Thursday, July 3, 2008


I love our neighborhood. We have awesome neighbors (although wouldn't take much to improve on the suspected meth dealer next door at our last house. No kidding. The 7 cop cars that were at their house during E's first birthday was awesome.) Tons of other kids for E to play with. There always seems to be some sort of celebration for the kids (and adults) going on. So nice. We really lucked out when we moved here two years ago. We had no idea how nice this place is for families.

Take the 4th for example. Fireworks that everyone walks over to the golf course to watch followed by a kids parade today (Although the parade sounds better in theory than practice. It is hot as hell out there. All the kids were up until 10:30 last night at the fireworks, so it is a bunch of cranky kids and moms -- me and e included.)

E LOVED the fireworks. She offered color commentary on each one. She was so excited that she just couldn't contain herself. "DAT ONE IS GREEN!!!" "YELLOW ONE" "PINK!!". I enjoyed watching her more than the fireworks. Too funny.

Impatiently waiting for the fireworks.

Watching with Daddy

Parade today (you can see where she cried away part of her cheek flag out of frustration. good times.)

Hope everyone has a great holiday and long weekend!

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