Wednesday, March 31, 2010 pictures

Since a picture is worth a thousand words and I am too lazy to write even close to that many, this is what this lazy blogger has been up to lately.

Ice skating. This smile is post falling-down-then-throwing-her-hat-on-the-ice, yelling "I QUIT!" x3. Good times.

Alice (with my dad) watched while working on perfecting the exact shade of tomato-red in her cheeks that makes it hard for me to believe that she doesn't have a fever. 98.6 every time.

Soccer! Go Wolverines. We consider soccer a success when (1)there are no tears from #12 (2)there is at least one dog at practice for Alice to squeal about.

Soccer happy dance.

I spend a lot of time making messes in the basement.

Hours on the trainer seems to have pissed off my wrist. A bone spur (aka carpal boss) is the reason for my newest fashion statement.

First outdoor ride of the season on the books for tomorrow. Woo hoo!

Picnic time.

I think that was at least 1543 words.


Michelle Simmons said...

Great pictures!! E looks so old now! And Alice... what a cutie! :)

Sorry about your wrist. Never heard of that, but clearly another reason not to ride on trainers.

Rebecca DeWire said...

Great pics. I just love the serious game face during soccer, that is awesome. Hope your wrist gets better soon.

ADC said...

Lovely picture. I love those red cheeks - so adorable.

Angela and David said...

Such great pictures! And I do the same thing as E every time I ice skate. I swear I'll never put on a pair of skates again and then every couple of years I somehow get talked into it.

Hope the wrist gets better!

Angela said...

I saw the pic of ice skating the fact that you haven't been outside yet and I'm jealous.

The girls are just getting so big and so adorable! Hope your wrist gets better soon.

Aimee said...

Aww...those are such great pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us!

I'm sorry about your wrist. I hope the brace helps!

Jennifer Harrison said...

I was just thinking of your wrist and came over to see how it was (if you blogged about it)..hope it is doing better later this week! :)

The girls are soo cute and I can not believe how much Alice looks like Mike and E looks like you!!

Running and living said...

Love the pic with Alice playing soccer. Love her look and determination. Hope the wrist feels better soon!

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