Race applications are digging deeper this year, it seems.
In addition to my name, age, address, estimated swim time, and money, they want to know my triathlon accomplishments (huh?), who is coming to the race to cheer for me (I put "Tiger Woods") and then the kicker, my occupation.
Good question, race director. Good freaking question.
You mean my job, right?
Homemaker? Nah. Sounds too much like I work construction. Plus, I feel it implies an expertise (cleaning, cooking fancy stuff, etc.) and interest (learning to clean and cook fancy stuff, etc.) that I lack.
I settled on "stay at home mom". Sounded accurate. Well, sort of. I am more of a "let's get out of this house before I go stir crazy" mom as opposed to one who stays. Cooking chateaubriand while scouring the baseboards.
Either way, it has been on my mind lately.
Got me thinking and realizing that it has been almost 5 years since the slight cramping in my 8th month of pregnancy with Ella hastened the (dreaded) bed rest and the end of my life in advertising. Just like that....poof!
But, working.
Just not getting paid.
Strange job.
Awesome benefits.
I thought I would go back. Definitely at a year. Certainly at a year.
Then I became a mom.
And all my "ideas" of what I was going to do and what I should do changed. I thought they might. But, then again, I had no idea. I was too pissed that they gave my desk to someone else at work.
Everyone is different. Every family figures out what works for them. This works for us. Won't forever....when that time comes and I've been out of work for XX years, who knows what I will put down on my race apps???
'Cause you know, that is the most important thing. That and payback for whoever stole my damn desk five years ago.
love your posts!!!
Completely love this post. I never, in a million years, thought that I would stay at home or want to stay at home. Funny how everything does change.
Hi Kate,
I'm finally introducing myself. I am a long time friend of Lauren Sanders. (We grew up swimming together.) I love your blog and I LOVE this post. I became a SAHM last year...not according to my original plan...but it's been the best decision I've made so far. Your words are my thoughts!
Allison Dawson
You just have NO idea how you are going to feel until that baby is born.
Loved this post!
I am still torn about whether I should be working or staying home. I change my mind from week to week. If we EVER move I'll probably stay home but like you, I will need to be out of the house A LOT. And can I still have a cleaning lady if I don't work? That is one of my biggest concerns about staying home.
i think you should just put "Bad Ass" in the occupation space!
How about Domestic Engineer? that is what my mom called herself!
You should ask Ella what you should put down for your profession on those race apps. She's very creative.
CRACK ME UP! Kate, loved this post! LOL...you can be TOTALLY screwed up like me and work full time from home (ahhh!) and be a mom full time....the whole combination is a cluster mess....
I LOVE DOMESTIC ENGINEER that Julia suggested!!! HA
I'd list "CEO, Parker, Inc." It's true :-)
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