Friday, November 9, 2007

Fall Friday

Love this weather... So nice to be bundled up in fleece. Best fabric
ever made.

Had a nice walk with Lauren and her new baby, Davis, today. He's
completely adorable and Lauren does NOT look like she had a doughnut
much less a baby recently.

Looking forward to the weekend. Had my first long (well..long for me
these days) run today and it knocked me out. 8.25 miles should not
be that tough....damn.


Maria said...

Seriously 8.25 miles is not considered long?????? YIKES!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with your cousin there. 8 miles and I'd be hospitalized. I am surprised to see that there are no pix of our gal, E Ann, socializing at the Bagel Diner, slathered in peanut butter and chatting up the crowd - I want something to eat peez.....