Yeah, they hurt.
Yeah, they happen a lot.
But, that's life. Or at least, that is MY life today. My body likes to do this. Deal with it. Nothing I can do about it. I can't complain and whine labor to start (if THAT were the case....the baby would be here already.) :)
Normal routine it is from here on out.
E and I hit our usual spots today. Gym, Publix, heading to the pool in a minute.
Feels much better than being pi$$ed off at my uterus all day yesterday. I think I just needed a day for that though. I am over it now.
It was nice to use my watch to time my workout instead of a contraction for the first time all week.
Here I am smile on my face and all. Belly certainly LOOKS ready for a baby to come!
You're so tiny and you look so cute with the basketball on your front! I hope it happens ASAP!! I can't imagine the waiting period, I am so impatient!
P.S. I never wanted to be pregnant in summer for fear I would be sweating my A$$ off.. is it uncomfortable?
where's your trusty companion?
Just stumbled upon your blog...lots in common! I am 26 weeks pregnant and also raced CDA in 2007. Looks like I finished 3 minutes ahead of you! How funny! Good luck with the lats little bit of your pregnancy!
Kate, I feel for you. I've been lurking here reading your blog for awhile now and it is like deja vu for me reading your blog. (well except the ironman part.)
I have to tell you; you are me 5 years ago.
I was due with Beau Aug 12th. At 35wks I started having contrax everyday. But I was dilating. From 35-37 wks I slowly dialted and effaced to 4cm/100 %. That last week I was taking Benedrayl every night just to get some sleep. But I was contracting every 7-15 minutes throughout the day, all day. It was exhausting!
Finally 17 days before my due date they induced me. Luckily, I had made it another cm to 5 by the time they started the pitocin.
By that point labor was a relief!
But so yeah I know it sucks to walk around all day contracting in the middle of an Atlanta summer for weeks while chasing around your 2 yr old.
You look great though!
And if it makes you feel better I was back running a week after he was born.
PS. Like you I also had preeclampsia with my first but not with the 2nd.
Wow. Does sound familiar! Funny.
I agree with labor sounding like relief feeling right now. Who would have EVER thought that? Ugh.
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